With only 7.2 watts, we're not sure why the D8444 is called "Power Player". Its bass is disappointing.

Philips D8444

The D8444, nicknamed "Power Player", was a mid-size ghettoblaster from Philips. It was introduced in 1982 or 1983. In North America it was branded as the Magnavox D8443. It must have been produced in large quantities, because used ones appear on Ebay very often. Its physical appearance certainly looks good, with 5 speakers (three main speakers and two piezo tweeters). Unfortunately, the amp is not very strong. The bass is disappointing. Philips claimed it had 15 watts "music power", but music power is just a marketing term. According to the service manual, its true output is only 7.2 watts (2x2 watts for the outer speakers, and 3.2 watts for the center woofer). And if you disassemble it, you will discover pathetic-looking speakers with tiny magnets. And beware, the tape deck has a plastic gear that often breaks. If this happens, you will need to replace it. A 3D-printed one can be purchased HERE.(external link)






Philips D8444 radiorecorder boombox review and specifications

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